Wednesday 7 March 2007


I've just finished drooling over Urban Outfitters' new stuff... i know i shouldn't like it but i do....

Today i will talk about Terrorism.

I got on the bus home today and i look over and saw an unattended bag.
Usually if someone leaves a bag on the bus its a carrier bag but this was a big-enough-to-put-a-bomb rucksack.
i gave it to the driver who looked completely oblivious to what i was thinking and it was all fine. there's always a slight disappointment when things look as if they're going to be shit and then it turns out alright.

I mix with quite a few muslims and i've been out with them when people shout 'TERRORIST' at them. It's shocking that people can get away with such blatant racism although to be honest, at the time the ridiculousness of it was quite funny.

OBVIOUSLY the difficult thing with Terrorism is distinguishing the freedom fighters from...well, just the fighters? La resistence in France could be called terrorists...and they were good guys...

But these 'islamist terrorists' that we're all so aware of, are kinda strange. They don't seem to have one aim to strive for, do they? Some are like 'lets put England under Shariah law for no reason in particular, even though i used to live in a place that DOES have shariah law, but they didnt have the NHS or Asda there.' and some seem to be the more understandable, well not understandable, just with a bit more twisted logic. 'England are killing Iraqis, so lets kill English people!'

I think as a nation, the british are fairly accepting of different opinions. the whole french idea of secularism would never ever catch on here, and i reckon thats a good thing, although obviously there are some limits. Like that teacher who wanted to wear the whole thing, nicab is it? i'd neeever take anything in off a teacher, cos you sometimes need to read their expression to understand.

Today's Song is......
When Tom Cruise Cries-The Rakes
Alan is my hero!

Tuesday 6 March 2007

Size Zero.

Today i will talk about Size Zero.

Isnt it odd how you lok back at the Spice Girls and how fat they look? and now you see Posh struggling to stay upright in a breeze, she's so thin.

I don't know what size i am, cos there's no legal definition of sizes. Which is strange. I think Women are under pressure to be thin but i dont think its all the media's fault. Although all these headlines like 'SKINNY SHAME!' 'EAT SOMETHIN, LOVE!' and then on the other side 'FUCK IT, I'M AVIN A MEAL!' and then really unflattering photos where everything isn't staged and airbrushed and these people just look normal and not the skinniness we all seem to associate with glamour.

I think people should be healthy and with a proper BMI and everything, but i also think if you're a size 20 or 4, you're probably not happy.

Also i think steps should be taken to seperate 'skinny' and 'rich' or 'successful' or 'desirable' in our minds. A case in point here is Girls Aloud. When they first were on whatever they were on they looked completely normal. Then suddenly they went down 2 dress sizes and became 'successful'.

As an indie muso girl, i reckon its also difficult cos so many musicians are on the thin side too. Like the lovely Patrick Wolf, who i adore but who's definatly not fat, and all the new rave scene and basically everyone in a band during the past 2 years. This excludes 'fat rake', the Futureheads and Beth Ditto.

Today's Song is....
Tight Fit- New Young Pony Club
this song is awesome.