Tuesday 26 June 2007

Gateway to Freedom.

I've lost my passport. Some complete fucker stole it at my PROM! The damned cheek...SO i have to get on train and go to Newport bypassing the waters to get a fast tracked passport application service thing. Utter stress involved thinking if the train'll run or not... and cos its Britain everything is so damned vague... hahaha vague how suitable.

That's a picture of Hitler's passport i found by the way. I had the urge to include it. I find it weird to think he had to have a passport. you'd think by killing so many people he could get away with passing through a border...Actually he wouldnt really have to use his passport cos he invaded much of Europe, didnt he? Maybe he lost his as well and was so annoyed by the paperwork he just decided invading places is easier. which is completely likely, really.
ANYWAY. I have left school now, which is very weird and yet very good. Except all i do is sit around hoovering and watching Price Drop TV and Filth Files and eating Boursin. which is damned good tbh.
I'm going to Latitude soon. it will be awesome if the slag doesn't drug/abandon/bring unsuitable people back to me. Then I'm going to Amsterdam. Then i'm going to a centreparcs somewhere in Holland. which will be exciting cos i've never been and i dont speak any Dutch. Then i'm going to Paris.

In this year of school leavingness....

Today's Song is....
1990s- You're Supposed to Be My Friend
They have just got an album out called Cookies which tbh i don't have, but everyone should buy because they're not pretentious London twats and its FUN. and its nice to see someone with ungodly teeth.

I have chosen this because when you leave somewhere are its all 'keep in touch, i'll miss you so much' etc.. and then you NEVER hear from them again...not that you want to..losers...

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