Tuesday 7 August 2007

Liberté Egalité Fraternité...

Oooh results day soon... Isnt that scary..? 16th. Glasgow or Leeds. Or Oblivion, really. And its Highers results day today.

Gordon Brown is a lovely man i think. He kind of reminds me of my dad, and Blair never did...

As world leaders go, he's a bit of a lovely. Maybe i like him because my Teddy bear was called Mr Brown...but i'm very much looking forward to what he ends up doing. That whole Sudan thing was just lovely.

I was in Paris two weeks ago, and its actually really weird with that there Tsar Kozy in. (he was blatently pissed in that press conference btw not just 'tired')

Although, it was the week before the Tour De France went up the Champs Elysées so all the armed policemen in the Métro could be down to that...pfft.

No, but i even saw a CRS van, i was well pleased. (I did my A level French Coursework on the aftermath of the '05 riots/racism/corruption in France)

Today's Song is...
Killing Machine by How I Became The Bomb

i caught them at Latitude, and they are really good live.
Download Let's Go! Its awesome.
Plus one of them, i think its the singer, is called Jon Burr which is brilliant, really, isnt it?
I've had this song on my mind for agesss now 'One hand contains an M16, other hand contains fresh canteen'