Sunday 14 October 2007

A Change is as good as a rest.

So yeh. I got into Glasgow. Am here. An english girl in Scotland.

its okay tho, cos apparently they dont hate my southern posh ish accent, they actually like it. i dont really get it myself, its like americans liking 'british' accent. (whatever the fuck that means)

the scottish accent is the best. it is so fit. even if people are really not that good looking. they have accents that are just devine...i met this guy from Ayr and my god. i was trying to get him to talk, not even looking at him, i went away when it came to that point when something physical had to happen, which is pretty mean, but i just wanted to listen to him, seriously.

having said that people have suggested that i am an alcoholic...but i'm just not a lightweight, thus i have to drink more. So morally i win, as far as i'm concerned.

really have to stop quoting Dylan Moran, its getting ridiculous.


Today's Song is...
Nothing But Green Lights by Tom Vek
For that complete and utter freedom you get from spending time alone.