Saturday 29 November 2008

Elements of The Past and The Future Combined to Make Something Not Quite as Good.


So yes. It's winter. It's cold. I haven't been out for weeks (cold, no money, gaah xmas, gaah essay, gaah exams). The cool thing to say would be that I'm getting cabin fever, but really i'm loving it. Lazing around all weekend in my pjs (baby blue bunny motif bottoms + random band t shirt+ big jumper + alpaca socks)

I love alpaca socks. I honestly do. I want to have a pair for every day of the week. Mine are such a beautiful fawny colour they're lush. Of course, we all know that the only bad thing about wearing massive socks is that you can't wear them out cos your feet won't fit in your shoes. BUT i can, cos of my Doc Martens being so massive. 

To combat the horrible cold, I'm also living in a dark green plaid lumberjack flannel shirt, that some nice young man gave to me (hmm) on a debauched night out involving copious amounts of Vodka and Cherryade, old friends and a gay porn magazine.

The unfortunate result on my appearance is that i resemble some kind of 80s throwback skinhead/Smiths fan/tramp, but with impeccable MAC makeup = Derelicte! 
This look is getting beyond my control somewhat, as I need a haircut, but cant afford one...:S

It's Christmas sooon! I know this cos the christmas lights are up in Glasgow city centre, adding somewhat more lights to the ones floating around all year... 

Next year when I'm back in Glasvegas, I'm planning to go to a) Late of The Pier gig at Oran Mor  b) Back Tae Mine at the Flying Duck. Which will both be very exciting I hope, although I'm not getting my hopes up that much, cos last time I did (yes, you in the back, Glasgow School of Art! what's that you've got? pills?! a largely gay crowd?! lyricless Nathan Barleyesque music?! ) i was let down. Altho maybe i was misformed, not drunk enough, not in the mood...

This is my christmas list... let's hope Santa Claus decides I've been a good girl this year (it's debate-able)

Today's song is...How Are You by Bombay Bicycle Club
God, isn't it depressing when people younger than you are more successful? Good song tho.