Monday 22 December 2008

Isn't It Romantic?

I'm currently obsessed with Audrey Hepburn. I'm sorry, I am.

Ever since I got my hair cut short, I've been making a concious effort not to look like a boy. (i.e. slum around with no make-up, in just jeans and a hoodie. Although I love La Deyn, it's beginning to be so obvious, now everyone has a little peroxide crop and flashes of tartan.
I've tried out the Edie Sedgwick, but frankly and perhaps regrettably, I have neither the paitence or the physique for the look, even though I adore it. (who couldnt?!)

Anyway, AUDREY. Since I'm also planning my Eramus year abroad, hopefully in Paris (although the frequent nightmares of living in a cupboard for 400 euros is worrying me a wee bit), and I never much cared for Fred Astaire ( I always thought he was far too old for his filmic love interests) the obvious film is Sabrina Fair!
I love this film, sometimes I think it's on a par with Breakfast at Tiffany's. Mmm. Maybe not. BUT I still love it! Who couldn't love the song La Vie En Rose?! and Isnt it Romantic?! I am a closet romantic. Films like A Matter of Life And Death, Now, Voyager, I'm a complete sucker for! All my cynicism goes out the window with a good bit of old fashioned soundtrack...
I want all of these things: