Friday 18 January 2008

How These Pressures Sting...

Pressures on the wing of a commercial airliner

But yes, happy new year to one and all. I hate New Year's Eve, its a very depressing time, so I stayed in with my sister on her 21st and we watched rented movies and got a take out curry. (Hitch, Shrek The Third, Night at the Museum and Chana Dhal, Basmati rice, Saag Paneer, Onion Bhaji, Naan, Raita YUM)

Righty right right. It's January. It's cold. It's rainy and windy and horrible. I vote we start hibernating in the post christmas exam badness depression. I don't do resolutions just because it's depressing. It's easier to do something about bettering yourself if you don't beat yourself up about it! This year I started the GI diet, or 'lifestyle change' and surprisingly it is really good. I'm never tired (altho that may be because of the 1o hours+ sleep I'm getting-oh yes, Glasgow University is the best in the world!). I'm vegetarian so I feel I deserve to not follow it to the letter.
ANYWAY,I'm not feeling very wordy, as I have to read The Scarlet Letter by Tuesday , Yasmina Reza's play Art, Bonjour Tristesse and Herman Hesse's Demian by the next week - I've a way to go, to say the least.

Here are some beautiful things that I want to buy:

Dress: £28, Shoes: £55 Office. Necklace: £20 Tatty Devine. T Shirt: £15 Skirt: £30, Topshop.

I would personally wear the dress with boots and a big coat and a big bag, or a black cardigan and flat patent pumps.
The shoes I'd wear with black opaque tights and any dress. or a low cut top and skinny jeans
The skirt, I think, could go anything really but I think a 3/4 stripy top would be rather nice.

Today's Song Is...
The World's Gone Mad by Handsome Boy Modeling School
How can you not love a band with such a name? If there were such a school I would happily be employed there. mmm.
I remembered the existence of this track and got it off iTunes some time between half 2 and 5am this morning. I love it. Alex Kapranos' voice really makes it. It's all mellow and melcancholy. Alex's bit in the video is quite hilarious. He looks so amazed and yet confused he's in a hip hop video. You've got to have something a bit special to stand next to a headline saying 'Handsome Boy' and not want to be sick into your own scorn.

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