Monday 7 April 2008

Two Double Vodkas and ooh, a Penis, please.

I've been doing a lot of reading about feminism at the moment. I'm studying Heroic Women,as part of my Comparative Literature course, so it has some academic relevence as well.

Relevence. There's a lot of talk about women's rights. To choose. To vote. To wear the hijab. People think that women have come a long way, that we're now equal to, if not superior to men, but in reality we're not treated as equals.

I'm sure this scene is familiar to most girls and indeed most guys. A busy bar. Girl stands at the bar, hoping to catch the barstaff's eye. Her chest catches his eye. Around her more people join the waiting, mostly men. She waits. And waits. The men get served. Eventually she gets served, but only after a man takes pity on her and allows her to go before him.

This is sexism alive and well, going unnoticed in millions of bars and clubs! It's continually happening to me, apparently you need a dick just to get a drink in places. It's fucking ridiculous.

Women are punished for their looks. An 'ugly' women is dismissed as a 'dog' whereas a 'pretty' woman is regarded as a 'slut'. If a girl doesn't make an effort with her appearance she's a nerd, or seen as emasculated, but if she does, she's shallow and stupid. a whore.

People don't realise how isolating beauty is. yes, it marks you out, it also scars you.

Sexism is still present. I don't see myself as particularly active at all *coughs* in fact i've only had two guys to stay over in my flat since september. despite this, whenever a man calls for me, i immediately get judging looks from my flatmates (who are both male and female).

Men are really annoying me at the moment. It's probably just the men i meet, but they all merely seem interested in me as a sexual object. And when they aren't they're either not that interested or it's too much. I think the realisation that i was in love for the first time and it was unrequited, made me this bitter about men. Then i remembered that Margaret Atwood short story, the women telling of her first, also unrequited, love. Hair Jewellery from Dancing Girls. I honestly think if i had to go my whole life reading only one writer, it'd be Margaret Atwood. I adore it. Banality is the enemy of unrequited love. Thank fuck i have that.

But i managed to get over said unrequited love with the help of a very good looking Mark Ronson lookalike. He had a Middlesbrough accent and beautifully penetrating green eyes. honestly, noone has ever looked at me the way he did, you know when someone looks at you so intently it's like they can see past your body, past your thoughts even, but deep down into your soul. it was so unsettling. he was yummy alright. mmm.

Today's Song is...
Obsticle 1 by Interpol
I love interpol. they are sublime. also reminds me about said former object of affection. 'i wish i could eat the salt off of your lost faded lips'. i love that line. boohoo.
They are playing Latitude festival this year, which i am dying to go to, but i cant find anyone to go with me, and i need to get a job over the summer, really.

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